0 Vacation Rentals in Cingoli, Marche, Italy
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Rent a vacation rental home in Cingoli, Marche, Italy. Sitting on a hllside, Cingoli is known as the "Balcony of the Marches" and is the site of the ancient town of Cingulum. Tour the local gothic church, S. Esuperanzio, which holds works of art. The city offers sweeping views and a picturesque town square with shops and restaurants. Rent holiday lodging directly from owners of farm stay, villa, cabin, cottage, home and apartment accommodations in Cingoli, Italy.
Rent a vacation rental home in Cingoli, Marche, Italy. Sitting on a hllside, Cingoli is known as the "Balcony of the Marches" and is the site of the ancient town of Cingulum. Tour the local gothic church, S. Esuperanzio, which holds works of art. The city offers sweeping views and a picturesque town square with shops and restaurants. Rent holiday lodging directly from owners of farm stay, villa, cabin, cottage, home and apartment accommodations in Cingoli, Italy.

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