0 Vacation Rentals in LA CRUZ DE HUANACAXTLE, Nayarit, Mexico
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La Cruz de Huanacaxtle also known as simply “La Cruz”, got its name from the large wooden cross that makes up the entrance to the city. It is only about 25km from Puerto Vallarta, and attracts many wealthy expats. It sits on the Bay of Banderas, and offers beautiful views out towards the Pacific. One reason to choose this destination for your vacation rental vacation is the new 400 boat marina, which is turning the sleepy village into a must see destination. There are many types of holiday lodging available, with more opening up and being built due to the travelers and retirees the harbour is bringing in.

Temperatures in this area of Mexico are HOT! Winters bring temperatures with highs in the mid twenties, where as summer brings in major heat waves, with the average daily temperature being about 30 degrees Celsius. The summer is also the wet season, although the rainstorms are often short and warm.

The village is host to miles of sandy beach. Many beautiful villas line this area, looking out towards the sparkling shore. All villa rentals, apartment rentals, and condo rentals are within walking distance of the nearby amenities. For newly weds, or for travelers just looking to enjoy a private retreat there are bungalows and cottages that offer privacy up the hills from the beach. As mentioned above there are many attractions nearby. Some of these include windsurfing, whale watching, hiking, dinner cruises and kayaking. For those travelers who wish to stay as urban as possible, apartment rentals and villa rentals are available to use as vacation rentals right in the village centre. These allow close proximity to all restaurants and shops, although the walk along the beach to the more distant vacation rentals is renowned for its beautiful horizon views. There are also villa rentals available for those travelling in larger groups.

There are accommodations available in La Cruz for all preferences and budgets. Business travelers can enjoy living like they would at home, without worrying about checking in and out of hotels. Villas offer benefits for those looking for economic pricing, but still wishing to enjoy things such as swimming pools and other amenities. Check out Owner Direct now, and find the vacation rental and accommodations that are right for you.
La Cruz de Huanacaxtle also known as simply “La Cruz”, got its name from the large wooden cross that makes up the entrance to the city. It is only about 25km from Puerto Vallarta, and attracts many wealthy expats. It sits on the Bay of Banderas, and offers beautiful views out towards the Pacific. One reason to choose this destination for your vacation rental vacation is the new 400 boat marina, which is turning the sleepy village into a must see destination. There are many types of holiday lodging available, with more opening up and being built due to the travelers and retirees the harbour is bringing in.

Temperatures in this area of Mexico are HOT! Winters bring temperatures with highs in the mid twenties, where as summer brings in major heat waves, with the average daily temperature being about 30 degrees Celsius. The summer is also the wet season, although the rainstorms are often short and warm.

The village is host to miles of sandy beach. Many beautiful villas line this area, looking out towards the sparkling shore. All villa rentals, apartment rentals, and condo rentals are within walking distance of the nearby amenities. For newly weds, or for travelers just looking to enjoy a private retreat there are bungalows and cottages that offer privacy up the hills from the beach. As mentioned above there are many attractions nearby. Some of these include windsurfing, whale watching, hiking, dinner cruises and kayaking. For those travelers who wish to stay as urban as possible, apartment rentals and villa rentals are available to use as vacation rentals right in the village centre. These allow close proximity to all restaurants and shops, although the walk along the beach to the more distant vacation rentals is renowned for its beautiful horizon views. There are also villa rentals available for those travelling in larger groups.

There are accommodations available in La Cruz for all preferences and budgets. Business travelers can enjoy living like they would at home, without worrying about checking in and out of hotels. Villas offer benefits for those looking for economic pricing, but still wishing to enjoy things such as swimming pools and other amenities. Check out Owner Direct now, and find the vacation rental and accommodations that are right for you.

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