8 Vacation Rentals in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Showing Calgary Rentals 1 to 8 of 8

Find exactly what your looking for through Owner Direct Vacation Rentals. Customize your vacation rental accommodations and pay only for what you need. Rent lodgings, home rentals or other vacation rentals such as chalet rentals or condo rentals in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Come to the breathtaking foothills of the Canadian Rockies Mountains and enjoy pure blue skies and endless outdoor entertainment. Ski and golf in the same day. Rent the perfect holiday lodgings for your friends or family directly from owners of chalet rentals, home rentals, condo rentals, vacation rentals, cabins or cottage accommodations in Calgary, AB, Canada.

Calgary boasts fine family entertainment such as the Calgary Zoo exhibiting sting rays to botanical gardens. Wander through the realistic prehistoric dinosaur exhibit where life size moving dinosaurs blend into the recreated natural environment of the past.

Visit Heritage Park; similar to a living museum of Calgary’s pioneer past. Buy a lollipop at the general store, visit the one room school house or wander through the sheds filled with decommissioned steam engines. Rent condo rentals, vacation rentals, townhouses, apartments or homes in any of the four quadrants of the city.

The Calgary Stampede is considered to be the biggest outdoor show on earth and happens in Calgary every July over a two week period. Owner Direct has Stampede condo rentals right downtown in easy walking distance or a short C-train hop over to the grounds. People from all over the world come to watch this heart stopping outdoor show.

Calgary landmarks include the Calgary Tower and the Scotiabank Saddledome. Enjoy the trademark Chinook winds which routinely blow over the city warming temperatures and melting snow during the winter months.

Culture districts include 17th Avenue, Marda Loop, the Mission District, Kensington and Inglewood. Catch an opera, musical or show at the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium. Museums such as the downtown Glenbow which is the largest in Western Canada, have ever changing and emerging art exhibits are always worth a visit. International film festivals and cultural events happen regularly throughout the calendar year.

Chinatown includes another major museum, the Chinese Cultural Centre.

Come to Calgary for the events, culture and entertainment, or come simply for its proximity to the Rocky Mountains. This premiere summer and winter destination is your gateway to a glorious outdoor playground. Ski at Canada Olympic Park and relive the 88 Olympics. Find perfect vacation rentals, condo rentals or other accommodations in Calgary to suit your needs.
Find exactly what your looking for through Owner Direct Vacation Rentals. Customize your vacation rental accommodations and pay only for what you need. Rent lodgings, home rentals or other vacation rentals such as chalet rentals or condo rentals in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Come to the breathtaking foothills of the Canadian Rockies Mountains and enjoy pure blue skies and endless outdoor entertainment. Ski and golf in the same day. Rent the perfect holiday lodgings for your friends or family directly from owners of chalet rentals, home rentals, condo rentals, vacation rentals, cabins or cottage accommodations in Calgary, AB, Canada.

Calgary boasts fine family entertainment such as the Calgary Zoo exhibiting sting rays to botanical gardens. Wander through the realistic prehistoric dinosaur exhibit where life size moving dinosaurs blend into the recreated natural environment of the past.

Visit Heritage Park; similar to a living museum of Calgary’s pioneer past. Buy a lollipop at the general store, visit the one room school house or wander through the sheds filled with decommissioned steam engines. Rent condo rentals, vacation rentals, townhouses, apartments or homes in any of the four quadrants of the city.

The Calgary Stampede is considered to be the biggest outdoor show on earth and happens in Calgary every July over a two week period. Owner Direct has Stampede condo rentals right downtown in easy walking distance or a short C-train hop over to the grounds. People from all over the world come to watch this heart stopping outdoor show.

Calgary landmarks include the Calgary Tower and the Scotiabank Saddledome. Enjoy the trademark Chinook winds which routinely blow over the city warming temperatures and melting snow during the winter months.

Culture districts include 17th Avenue, Marda Loop, the Mission District, Kensington and Inglewood. Catch an opera, musical or show at the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium. Museums such as the downtown Glenbow which is the largest in Western Canada, have ever changing and emerging art exhibits are always worth a visit. International film festivals and cultural events happen regularly throughout the calendar year.

Chinatown includes another major museum, the Chinese Cultural Centre.

Come to Calgary for the events, culture and entertainment, or come simply for its proximity to the Rocky Mountains. This premiere summer and winter destination is your gateway to a glorious outdoor playground. Ski at Canada Olympic Park and relive the 88 Olympics. Find perfect vacation rentals, condo rentals or other accommodations in Calgary to suit your needs.

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